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Friday, March 11, 2016

Could it be spring??

I love spring! Our daffodils are blooming and the weather is finally warming up. The only thing I don't like is stupid Daylight Savings Time.

That's how I feel. It needs to stop!!

On a sad note, a friend of mine, and an especially close friend to my sister, Patty, passed away recently from kidney failure while waiting for a transplant. It was so sad. The internet quilt group I am involved with, ABC Quilters, made blocks and I put them together for a quilt in her memory. I donated the quilt, plus another to the dialysis center near me. They were so happy to receive them. Dialysis patients are hooked up to the machines for an average of 4 hours, 3 days a week. They get very cold and always need blankets. Keep dialysis centers in mind when you have lap quilts to donate.

This quilt was a round robin from The Quilting Bee Forum.  

This is the quilt and label of the quilt by ABC Quilters. Jane will be missed by so many. She was a lovely person and an awesome quilter.

I'm currently making Itty Bitty Quilts from a book by Mari Martin. They are very sweet and quick. I'm making 2 extra sets for Christmas gifts this year.




Life's been good to me so far. (Did you sing that?? lol.  Hope it's good for you too.



Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, a lovely and very thoughtful gift in her memory. Hope you're ok xxx

Anonymous said...

What a great memorial to your friend. I'm so sorry that she was still waiting. I had a friend from Wales who moved back home when he needed a transplant and it was less than a year before he had it. We seem to have such a long waiting list! I hope they are working on being able to clone a person's own body organs. I think someone is, with support from the Methuselah Foundation. It would certainly make life better for so many! That's definitely a good cause you are promoting. There's a dialysis center almost everywhere!

pollyanna said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I love the memory quilt, as well as the Round Robin, that you have given in her honor. I like Spring (because it means Summer is on its way!) but springing forward is hard, even on us who have no need to care. *smooch*

Lucy said...

Your Itty Bitty blocks are cute. I am sorry too Jane did not get help she was such a nice person and enjoyed quilting.

Anonymous said...

good post
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Makanan Sehat Bagi Penderita Thalasemia

Brooke Higgins said...

Thanks for sharing this. luton meet and greet